Silver-washed Fritillary
Seeing this magnificent large fritillary in Alderhill Inclosure during 2014 was one of the reasons which prompted me to start monitoring this route. It emerges around the end of June, and is usually seen close to mature oak woodland, often descending onto bramble flowers to nectar. It can be seen throughout July and August, either in the wood, or on the margins. I have yet to see a Valezina variant in Latchmore, though they can be found in similar woods less than five miles away. The crash in numbers in 2021 is particularly worrying for this iconic species. In 2022, the heat led to an early finish to the season.
total seen
first seen
last seen
... the stats box
9 5 28th June 10th July
2 1 10th August 13th August
15 5 25th June 31st July
15 5 4th July 29th July
17 8 29th July 2nd August
15 9 30th June 24th August
10 4 14th July 26th August
37 10 10th July 2nd Sept