Clouded Yellow
This scarce migrant, occasionally reaching southern England from continental Europe, is always a delight to see. Its vivid colouration, showing an orange-tinged upper wing in flight, and deep yellow and green under wing, is conspicuous and unique. One was found just outside the Inclosure in August, 2015, then, after a five year absence, two were seen in 2020. The first was a brief fly past, but the second, on the final week of the year, stayed long enough to photgraph. In 2022, a single individual was seen on two consecutive weeks in September.
total seen
first seen
last seen
... the stats box
2 1 3rd Sept 12th Sept
0 0 not seen not seen
2 1 31st July 27th Sept
0 0 not seen not seen
0 0 not seen not seen
0 0 not seen not seen
0 0 not seen not seen
1 1 7th August 7th August